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Friday 9 April 2010

PoWs Downed by Putney Pirates - News Interlude

There was match bridge at the Princess of Wales last night (April 8 2010) as the PoW team in the London League Newcomers division hosted the Putney Pirates from Ned Paul's other club, Putney BC. It was a close match with Putney 4 imps up at half time, and extending this by another 8 imps in the second half.

A non-vulnerable game swing (7 imps) occured when West held 9754 2 964 KQ1042 and heard East open 2NT. West tried 3C Stayman at both tables but after a 3D response, the PoW West became worried about the apparent lack of hearts. He tried 4C and then passed partner's 4D, exactly making. The Putney West made the practical bid of 3NT, trusting that partner's 20 hcp contained a heart stop. It did and Putney wrapped up 10 tricks for a score of 430 and a 300 point swing. The final hand was a slam hand, 6S being bid in both rooms. The trumps broke 4-0 and both declarers went down 2, ending any chance of a match saving swing.

PoWs now stand at 2-3, with one match to go, in a creditable first season.

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